This diskette contains copies of the two shareware programs that I offer, RamDisk+ and DiskDup+. As with any new software you receive, you should make working copies of these programs, and put this original diskette away in a safe place.
Each program is described in more detail in the separate Read Me file included for each program. If you pass copies of these programs on to friends or software libraries, please be sure to include copies of those Read Me files.
This is a small utility that you may use to compair the performance of a RAMdisk, a SCSI drive and a the floppy drive. The program is copyrighted, but no charge is asked for its use.
This diskette has been specially setup to demonstrate the use of RamDisk+. To Run RamDisk+ on this disk, go to the Control Panel, select RamDisk+, and check the " [X] Create RAMdisk" option. All other controls have been already set to create a RAMdisk, copy the System Folder, and switch control to the RAMdisk. Restart you Mac using this floppy as the startup disk to see how its works!
You should also be aware that the system software included on the diskette is System 6.0.5, and Finder 6.1.5. The System file has been stripped down to the bare essentials, but configured for all Mac processors. Only the minimum fonts and DAs are included. This is done to allow the disk to run on a Mac with only 1 Meg of memory. Whenever possible, you should run RamDisk+ with your own version of the system software. In instances where memory allocation becomes critical, you may try running older(smaller) versions of the System and Finder, as well as System files that have been configured for just your processor type.
The RAMdisk size for this demo disk was set to 540K, and is sufficient to hold the selected System Folder with 20K left over. You will wan't to set the size of your RAMdisk according to the amount of memory on your system, and the size of the selected files.
This diskette also contains the floppy disk duplication utility DiskDup+. See the separate ReadMe file for more information on this utility.
If your machine has only 1 Meg of memory, you might find it useful to run DiskDup+ after booting up from this disk. Since it contains a basic system with no extra inits, there should be sufficient memory available to DskDup+ to duplicate 800K floppies in one pass.
NOTE: be sure that RamDisk+ is turned off to make all memory available to DiskDup+!
•Registered Users:
If you are receiving this disk as a registered user of RamDisk+, be sure to read the registration page that is included in your packet. It tells you how to disable the shareware notice.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those individuals who have taken the effort to register your shareware programs it is indeed appreciated!